Empath Essentials

Protecting and Empowering Empaths Across the Universe.


About Empath essentials

Empath Essentials was inspired into fruition in 2017. While managing a metaphysical bookstore, I constantly came into contact with Empaths that were looking for empowerment and protection. They inspired me to develop a line of helpful products that could do just that.

I'm a fifth generation San Diego native that comes from a long line of free-spirited witchy women. Crystal Healing, Smudging, and Candle Magic were normal practice. I am also an Empath. Protecting myself and my empathic abilities have always been a priority - an essential.

All Empath Essentials products use organic ingredients and are loaded with GOOD ENERGY and GOOD VIBES. In addition, a portion of all proceeds go to the San Diego Humane Society.

I celebrate you, Empaths! I hope you find this space a place of empowerment and protection where you feel seen and appreciated for the gift that you are.